Wednesday 2 December 2009

The Wrong Guy

Confession time. I went on a date and ending up sort of chatting up someone else!

Of course now I feel a bit bad, but to be honest the date wasn't going all that well and I was finding it hard to keep the conversation going. After about an hour and a half I happened to spot someone I know, and between you and me, quite fancy! There would never be anything going on between me and this fancy man, he's not the type to get involved with if you know what I mean. But he is always good company and I was in certainly in need of that! I popped over to say hello and then stayed a little longer than was formally polite. By which I mean I was blatantly flirting with him.

The thing is, rotten as I feel, I'm trying to figure out whether what I did was really all that terrible? Impolite, yes but terrible? I was really having to work hard to stop the conversation from grinding to a halt with this guy, he was hardly putting in any effort in at all and I was beginning to lose the will to carry on. Everytime I stopped talking in the desperate hope he would take the hint and say something he looked at me as if there was something wrong, like I wasn't fulfilling my side of the deal. In fact now I think of it, at one point he really did say, "You've gone quiet". I simply couldn't resist the temptation for a bit of light relief.

So, final conclusion. I know I was wrong to leave the poor guy sitting there, I was wrong to indulge in a little flirting - but do I regret squeezing a bit of a laugh out of the evening? Got to say, I don't think I do!